The United States has long supported Colombia’s efforts to enact rural reform, a comprehensive and challenging, but vital, component of the Peace Accord,” said Ambassador Shea.
"We are redoubling our efforts to protect hard-won development gains and help our developing country partners meet urgent ...
"We know that 1 in 3 children worldwide have elevated levels of lead in their blood, and that affects their long-term ...
"We will continue to combat the ongoing threat that ISIS and its supporters pose to America’s national security," said U.S.
We know education is key to closing the digital divide. Unfortunately, today, 119 million girls remain out of school, and ...
U.S. Department of Defense Press Secretary Major General Pat Ryder in a statement called the PRC’s military operation ...
We have a moral imperative to take care of children who have been separated from their families or have lost a parent or ...
“We call on the PRC to act with restraint and to avoid any further actions that may undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,” said State Department Spokesperson Miller.
미국 정부의 견해를 반영하는 논평입니다. 블라디미르 푸틴이 우크라이나 전쟁에서 벌이는 추악한 특징 중 하나는 우크라이나 민간인에게 가능한 한 많은 피해를 입히려는 그의 전략입니다.
The solution to this crisis is not a weaker Lebanon. It’s a strong and truly sovereign Lebanon protected by a legitimate ...